Episode 13

OKRs to make your Consolidator more than OK

Mar. 16th, 2021

In this episode of Consolidate That! Ryan Leech and Dr. Ivan Zak discuss the main principles of goal settings and OKRs, or objectives and key results. What are they? How do they affect the business? How can consolidators use them to implement goals and objectives across the entire framework?

Topics discussed:

  • Learn about OKRs and get to know how they affect business, and how can consolidators use them;
  • Discover the Grandma Rule;
  • SMART goals and OKRs: do they overlap, are they the same thing, or components of OKRs;
  • How the OKR system allows every level to own the size of the task at hand for themselves;
  • The difference between benchmarks and OKRs;
  • Potential risks for missing OKRs for the organization;
  • The difference in goal setting for technicians vs veterinarians;

Helpful links:


ivan zak
Dr. Ivan Zak
DVM, MBA, CEO at Galaxy Vets
ryan leech
Ryan Leech
Sr. Director of Strategic Partnerships at Digitail